Introduction of Control Sequence in Flight Information

1. Control Sequence Composition

The control sequence consists of various commands, where each command is terminated by a semicolon ;, and each command is composed of different strings. (All characters are English symbols.)

The first character of each command represents a class of functions, and the meanings of the existing classes are listed as follows: 1: Time class (including wait by time and wait for reset functions) 2: Control class (including unlock, lock, position control, velocity control, landing, and fault injection functions)

The second character of each command represents the specific function, and the subsequent characters represent the parameters for the corresponding function. The meanings of the existing functions are interpreted as follows:

Here is a provided example,

which could be explained as follows:

Users can freely combine commands according to their needs.

2. Meanings of Existing Functions in Control Sequence

1.1 Wait by time

1.2 Wait for reset

2.1 Unlock and Takeoff

2.2 Lock

2.3 Position Control

2.4 Velocity Control

2.5 Land

2.6 Fault Injection

2.7 Yaw Control

2.8 Circlar Path

2.9 Waypoint Track

2.10 Acceleration and Deceleration Motion

2.11 Circular Path (with Center)

3. Existing Fault Types in RflyMAD

1.Motor Fault

2.Propeller Fault

3.Accelerometer Fault

4.Gyroscope Fault

5.Barometer Fault

6.Magnetometer Fault

7.GPS Fault

8.Payload Drop Fault

9.Payload Drift Fault

10.Payload Leak Fault

11.User-Defined Hover Time

12.Battery Failure

13.Low Voltage Fault

14.Low Battery Fault

15.Steady Wind Fault

16.Gust Wind Fault

17.Turbulent Wind Fault

18.Crosswind Fault

19.Wind Noise

20.Without Fault

4. Meanings of Fault Injection Commands

The "FaultInject" function is defined as "FaultInject(param)" in the above section, and the input command format is as follows:

In this format, "2,6" is recognized by the program during command processing, and the program directs execution to the "FaultInject" function. The parameters recognized by the "FaultInject" function are as follows:


If there is no mode in one fault type, the input command format of "FaultInject" function is as follows:

The parameters recognized by the "FaultInject" function are as follows:

Here are some examples with different modes in the same fault type: (1) Motor Sudden Fault:

(2) Motor Persistent Fault:

(3) Motor Periodic Fault: