Use the pre-trained model and test_result to get probability.
baynet_inference(D_matrix, model_path, test_result)
This function uses the original D matrix data file to obtain the name of test indicators and different fault types. So only the headers of the original data file is in need. Together with the pre-trained model, the test result from real experiments is also sent into this function, so the fault probability will be returned by this function after model inference.
x>>> import panda as pd
>>> from pgmpy.models import BayesianNetwork
>>> from pgmpy.inference import VariableElimination, BeliefPropagation
>>> path = <your folder absolute path> + '/' + 'D_matrix-CMG.xlsx'
>>> model_path = <your folder absolute path> + '/' + 'CMG.xmlbif'
>>> testResult = [0] + [1 for i in range(23)]
>>> result = baynet_inference(path, model_path, testResult)
>>> temp = sorted(result.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
>>> fault = []
>>> prob = []
>>> for ele in temp:
>>> output = {'fault': fault, 'prob': prob}
>>> print(output)
The result of `function`:
{'fault': ['控制板:转子控制器:速度环', '控制板:转子控制器:电流环', '控制板:转子控制器:电流采集卡', '控制板:转子控制器:换向器', '控制板:转子控制器:转子加电检测器', '控制板:转子控制器:绕组开关驱动器', '控制板:转子控制器:100v加电开关', '控制板:转子控制器:100v断电开关', '控制板:框架控制器:位置环', '控制板:框架控制器:滑模控制', '控制板:框架控制器:逻辑变换', '控制板:框架控制器:27V加电', '控制板:框架控制器:27V断电', '控制板:框架控制器:27V加电状态', '控制板:框架控制器:角速度计算', '控制板:框架控制器:超速判断', '控制板:旋变SPI:通讯模块', '控制板:旋变SPI:粗精耦合', '控制板:1553通讯:复位状态', '控制板:1553通讯:转子加断电', '控制板:1553通讯:框架加断电', '旋转变压器', '旋变解调机箱:串行通讯', '旋变解调机箱:激磁', '旋变解调机箱:粗机解调', '旋变解调机箱:精机解调', '驱动板:转子驱动电路:100V开关控制', '驱动板:转子驱动电路:电压斩波器', '驱动板:转子驱动电路:半桥驱动电路', '驱动板:转子驱动电路:绕组开通切断开关组', '驱动板:转子驱动电路:100V加电状态', '驱动板:转子驱动电路:固紧端轴温检测', '驱动板:转子驱动电路:电流采样', '驱动板:转子驱动电路:转子电机电压', '驱动板:转子驱动电路:滑动端轴温检测', '驱动板:框架驱动电路:全桥驱动电路', '驱动板:框架驱动电路:27V加断电', '驱动板:框架驱动电路:电流 采样', '驱动板:框架驱动电路:27V加电状态', '框架驱动电机:Hall传感器', '转子驱动电机:电机绕组', '转子轴承:固紧端热敏电阻', '转子轴承:滑动端热敏电阻', '电源板:27V', '驱动板:框架驱动电路:继电器', '控制板:框架控制器:绕组加电', '控制板:1553通讯:框架过流判断', '控制板:框架控制器:绕组断电', '控制板:1553通讯:转子过流判断', '控制板:转子控制器:转速采集', '转子驱动电机:Hall传感器', '导电环'],
'prob': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.16764, 0.17412, 0.2467, 0.31494, 0.38221, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]}
Here is the second example of this function.
>>> import panda as pd
>>> from pgmpy.models import BayesianNetwork
>>> from pgmpy.inference import VariableElimination, BeliefPropagation
>>> path = <your folder absolute path> + '/' + 'D_matrix-IMU.xlsx'
>>> model_path = <your folder absolute path> + '/' + 'IMU.xmlbif'
>>> # Remainder the user to enter an array as test result
>>> input_array = input("Please enter an array of length 30 consisting of 0 and 1, with elements separated by commas:")
>>> # Convert the input string into an array
>>> test_result = [int(x) for x in input_array.split(',')]
>>> # Check if the array length is 30
>>> if len(test_result) == 30:
print("The test item result is entered correctly.")
print(f"Array length is invalid. Current length is {len(test_result)}")
>>> result = baynet_inference(path, model_path, test_result)
>>> temp = sorted(result.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
>>> fault = []
>>> prob = []
>>> for ele in temp:
>>> output = {'fault': fault, 'prob': prob}
>>> print(output)
The result of `function`:
{'fault': ['导航板导航数据通讯单元', '导航板控制单元', '导航板模拟数据采集单元', '导航板储存单元', '滤波板滤波电路', '滤波板尖峰和浪涌抑制电路', '滤波板储能电路', '滤波板直流28V监测电路', '滤波板备用28V监测电路', '电源板±15V直流转换电路', '电源板5.1V直流转换电路', '电源板-5.1V直流转换电路', '电源板5V直流转换电路', '电源板二次电源检测电路', '电源板信号联接单元', '惯性部件箱体单元', '滤波板28V反接保护电路', '惯性部件IMU单元', '滤波板信号联接单元', '导航板供电单元', '滤波板后端滤波电路', '惯性部件信号联接单元'],
'prob': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.20478395061728394, 0.2619957030317498, 0.2737662650965728, 0.32082021041345576, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5020339255567168]}
The example files in the above code are the source D matrix data files and pre-trained models, which are also uploaded at Bayesian Net Download website.
—— A string. It is the path where the source D matrix data file is located. It is recommended to use the absolute path of this file, for the function doesn't handle the input path exactly.
—— A string. It is the path where the pre-trained bayesian network is located. It is recommended to use the absolute path of this file, for the function doesn't handle the input path exactly.
—— An array. It contains the test results from each test indicator. When the test result from an indicator is 0 means there is no fault, and 1 represents that there is a fault detected by the indicator.
Name of the parameters | is optional? | Source, dialog or input port? |
D_martix | No | Input port |
model_path | No | Input port |
test_result | No | Input port |
—— An array. It contains the fault probability of each items in the prediction of the Bayesian Network with the input test_result