


The Analytic Hierarchy Process is a mathematical model for decision-making problems developed by Thomas L. Saaty.

Computes the weight of each element according to pairwise comparison matrix A. The eigenvector of A corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue is chosen as the weight vector as default.

The consistency index and ratio are returned along with the weight vector.

method specifies the way how to compute the weight vector. Default is eigenvector.


Input Arguments

A —— The n-by-n pairwise comparison matrix.

method —— str, optional. It specifies the way how to compute the weights vector, specified as eigenvector (default), geometric_mean, or arithmetic_mean.

For example, assuming a comparison matrix


That is,


Properties of Arguments

Name of the parametersIs optional?Source, dialog or input port?

Output Arguments

A tuple (W, CI, CR), where W is the weight vector of length n, CI is the Consistency Index, and CR is the Consistency Ratio.


where σ22 provides an upper bound for the measure of consistency index.

It is used as a measure of the closeness of A to consistency. So the matrix A is consistency if λmax=n.

It can be noted that if n is large, then CI<σ22 even if λmax if far away from n. Therefore, for a large number of objectives, CI might not provide a meaningful measure of consistency.

In order to check consistency, Satty uses both the consistency index and another measure called the random index RI. A random sample of 500 pairwise reciprocal matrices is constructed. Each matrix is generated randomly. The average value of the consistency indexes of these 500 matrices is called the random index RI.


Since Saaty suggests using the AHP when the number of objectives is less than 10, this table only lists the RI for matrices up to order 10.

The consistency ratio of a matrix is the ratio of CI the of that matrix to the RI for the same matrix order. That is,


If the consistency ratio is 0.10 or less, the decision-maker is not too inconsistent and the result obtained by the AHP is acceptable.


[1] G. H. Nguyen, "The Analytic Hierarchy Process: A Mathematical Model for Decision Making Problems" (2014). Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 6054.